A golfer using a putting mat to practice golf at home.

Practice Golf at Home: 9 Best Tips and Strategies (by a Golf Professional)

Finding time to practice golf can be challenging in today’s busy world. However, you can hone your skills and improve your game without leaving your home with the right approach. In this article, we will explore practical and effective strategies for how to practice golf at home, helping you make the most of your practice sessions and take your golf…

A female golfer getting ready to hit a drive.

10 Essential Golf Tips for Women: Improve Your Game (by a Golf Professional)

Golf is a game that requires both skill and strategy, and women who play the sport face unique challenges on the course. Many factors can affect a woman’s performance, from finding the right equipment to playing from the correct tee box, but with the right mindset and approach, female golfers can play golf from every level. In this article, I’ll…

Golfer practicing golf by himself.

Teach Yourself Golf: 4 Best Tips (A Guide for Beginners)

Golf is a game of skill, patience, and dedication, requiring a lot of practice and perseverance to improve over time. While many golfers prefer to take lessons from a coach or learn with friends, others wonder if they can learn the game independently. However, can you teach yourself golf without formal lessons? The short answer is yes, it’s possible, but…

An Instructor giving a private golf lesson to a student.

Are Private Golf Lessons Worth It? (5 Pros and Cons)

Golf can be challenging and frustrating, especially if you need help to improve your skills. While group lessons and purposeful practice can be helpful, some turn to private lessons for more personalized instruction and attention. But are private golf lessons worth it? In this article, we’ll explore five pros of one-on-one golf instruction, so you can decide whether or not…

A senior couple walks a golf course during a round.

Senior Golf Lessons: 5 Tips for Better Lessons (by a Golf Professional)

As people age, they face more physical limitations, making golf more challenging. However, that does not mean senior golfers should give up on the game. With lessons from the right golf instructor and the correct approach, seniors can continue to enjoy golf and improve their game. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of senior golf lessons, and then I’ll…

A female golfer hits a shot at sunset.

Golf Course Management for High Handicappers to Lower Scores

Many golfers never improve past a certain point in their careers. Some golfers reach a particular handicap and never shoot lower scores consistently. Undoubtedly, golf course management is essential for high handicappers to lower scores and improve dramatically in a short period; however, good course management can benefit all golfers of every skill level. Let’s break down some key factors…

Two seniors walk with their golf bags during a round of golf.

What Age to Play Golf From Senior Tees (the Senior Tees Explained) Plus, 2 Great Tips

As golfers age, we naturally wonder when we should begin thinking about “teeing it forward” and playing golf from a shorter distance on the course. After all, the game of golf requires a great deal of physical endurance, and playing from the wrong tee box can make the game less enjoyable. In this article, we’ll explore what age to play…

A male golfer tees off on a golf course as other golfers watch.

How to Deal With Slow Golfers: Expert Tips for Dealing With Slow Play and Keeping Your Round Moving

Golf requires patience, concentration, and skill, and it’s great for socializing and exercise; however, slow play can ruin the experience. Playing with, or behind, a slow player can be frustrating, causing long rounds and a lack of enjoyment, especially if you’re pressed for time or want to keep up the pace. So, what can you do to deal with slow…

A golfer hits a shot on the course next to his golf bag.

5 Golf Tips to Improve and Transform Your Game (by a Golf Professional)

As a seasoned golfer with years of experience, I know the ins and outs of this challenging game. Over time, I’ve picked up the best golf tips and techniques that have propelled my game to the next level. I’m excited to share my top five golf tips to improve your game. Whether you’re a beginner, a scratch player, or a…